
Apprentice Carpenter

When Preston was in high school he became MAK's first apprentice carpenter, working after school and during the summer to learn the trade. He then went to Humbolt State for college, did a fire season serving for CAL Fire, and is now back in Davis and happy to be back working on the MAK production crew. Preston enjoys being in the field, working with his hands, learning from the MAK team members, and participating in the production crew's comradery. He brings with him an enthusiasm that lifts the team and a willingness to do what needs to be done to ensure all projects are completed with the highest craftsmanship possible.

Outside of work, Preston can be found on weekends rock climbing, skating, adventuring around outdoors, visiting the bay area, and hanging out with friends. 

  • A Night Owl working Early Bird hours.

  • Waylon Jennings, John Cardiel, and my dad.

  • I bring my skateboard with me everywhere I travel.

  • Jean short shorts for men!

  • I loved being outside so much that my dad had to change the locks on the back door, so I wouldn’t sneak out and play in the snow when I was two years old.